When you list your item, you will need to select the number of Handling days (time of purchase to shipping it out).I use our kitchen scale which works great!) (Oh, before I forget, you will need a scale to weigh your packages unless you plan on only putting them in flat rate. They are usually the next cheapest option. If not, I try to fit the item in one of the USPS Flat Rate boxes or envelopes. If your item is under 1lb with shipping materials, you can use USPS First Class mail, which is the cheapest.This will allow you to compare shippers once the item has sold and pick the cheapest option. When you select the Shipping option, select Standard Shipping (1-5 days).See #4 for pricing research with Free Shipping. EBay tends to promote Free Shipping more and buyers like to see items with Free Shipping, so if you can calculate the shipping into your price (since you’re paying for it), it usually makes the item sell quicker. Shipping can be paid for by the buyer or seller (you).I only ship domestic, for reasons I’ll list in a minute, but international does have potential for a larger group of buyers. You can ship domestically and internationally on eBay.

I know it was at first for me! First, let’s discuss shipping. There are numerous options for shipping and handling and it can be a bit overwhelming. So, as you can probably guess by now… I’m a big fan of Buy Now for clothing. In contrast, Buy Now buyers must pay for the item immediately.

Auction also allows the buyer additional time to provide payment, so you may be waiting a few days for payment before you can ship. What often ends up happening is no one bids until the last few minutes and you end up selling for that lower amount. Usually, if you have an auction, the starting price is a bit lower to encourage people to bid.

For the most part, I have noticed that you will make more money from Buy Now rather than Auction with clothing.